Open Maps
Huge mountains and narrow valleys offer great advantages in a battle. You can engage in a fire duel across the gulf or enter a close quarter battle at the nearest port town or flank and capture enemy base.
Camo Type: Desert
A large valley filled with rocks, vegetation, and a small village surrounding a dried out river bed separate the two teams. The large hills on either side of the valley offer many firing positions, and very little cover in the valley will protect a large tank completely against all positions. Regardless of approach, attackers will face a long climb into the enemy's camp, and effective use of the cover en route is essential. The northern approach offers plentiful protection to attack either hill, but the southern approach makes up for lack of protection with shorter distances and better concealment.
Camo Type: Desert
A large river splits this map in half, with three bridges acting as choke points between the halves. A small town surrounds the center bridge, while the north and south bridges have fewer buildings providing cover. A large castle overlooks the west half of the map on a large hilltop, offering cover and supporting fire positions. Hills overlook the city in the east, with sufficient vegetation to provide some concealment for tanks.
Camo Type: Winter
The map is a combination of open spaces and irregular terrain. Meandering narrow streets of the seaport on the flank can be surprisingly advantageous. Sloping hills covered with bushes offer excellent ambush opportunities.
Camo Type: Summer
Swamps, rocks, and cliffs determine major avenues of approach on this map. This map, with sparse protection and no buildings, gives the combat advantage to artillery. Concentrate your attacks along the path of your main advance, while conducting delaying and defensive actions along the rest of your front lines.
Camo Type: Summer
A more or less unique map in that the teams do not start near the flags, Komarin offers multiple tactical options. The teams start in the north and south, divided by rivers offering three routes. The rivers itself are mostly impassable. The middle bridge is also only accessible once a heavy tank clears the obstacles by driving over them or if someone clears them with HE ammo. The center route is a large, elevated, and wooded island connected by bridge to the south, and offers firing positions to nearly the entire map, but at the cost of being exposed if spotted. A small village on both the west and east side of the map offer attackers valuable cover en route to the flag, but leave any tank passing the village exposed to covered and concealed defenders once they leave the village.
Camo Type: Summer
Initial staging areas are separated by a wide open field, ideal for artillery and defensive operations. Make use of flanking maneuvers and natural defenses like woods, hills, and farmhouses, as these can be decisive. Another option is a well-coordinated high-speed combined arms attack across the field which could bring victory, but at the risk of a bloody loss. Colloquially also known as "Campinovka" for the tendency of most players to just sit behind cover on their side of the starting field and snipe each other.
Camo Type: Summer
A small town dominates the center of the map, with a large forest providing concealment in the east and high ground to the west. The forest provides effective concealment, but lacks cover from fire; whereas the town has plentiful cover, but lacks concealment.
Camo Type: Summer
Generally open, but hilly, terrain around a vital railroad, with groups of trees providing shelter for tank destroyers. On the offensive, watch your own flanks while striking against the enemy flanks. Artillery has free reign, with the only real hindrance being the train cars themselves, but the open terrain makes them very vulnerable to raids by light vehicles.
Camo Type: Summer
A rolling area, dominated by a couple of hills. The village of Redshire gives places to hide from hill to its northeast. Artillery will play a powerful role on this map.
Camo Type: Summer
A mostly open map offering little concealment, but providing plentiful cover due to the large number of sand dunes. Three small villages provide temporary cover at best, but are easily destroyed, so they must be used cautiously. Each flag is well protected with a ridge offering defenders cover, concealment, and excellent firing positions. Plentiful cover allows an excellent arena for run and gun tactics while offering many routes for tanks to engage the enemy and make use of their mobility.
Camo Type: Desert
This coastal area is bounded by ocean and mountains. A railroad crosses the territory from north to south. Woody hills on the western flank are favorable for a swift attack. A straight road connecting the bases passes through a small town, which often becomes a contested piece of terrain. The bases are protected by the hills from direct attacks. However, the flanks of the bases are insecure and must be protected. As of patch 8.4 this map has been removed from random battles.
Camo Type: Summer
On this rugged-terrain map, make use of various battlefield tactics: flank or ambush the enemy, or attack straight ahead. Also use numerous hollows between the rocks for a busting attack with concentrated forces.
Camo Type: Summer
A seemingly endless open expanse of fields and hills, scattered through this farmland-esque map. Open fields, varying ditches, and small hills and rises litter this map, allowing for some prime spots to lay ambushes. Long, open fields are great for those who prefer long-distance combat, with little cover available to your target. Just remember; This works both ways.
Camo Type: Summer
Flank routes offer great opportunities for surprise attacks and diversionary operations. A mire in the center is not only an obstacle, but also an important tactical location. As of patch 7.5, this map was removed from the map pool for random battles.
Camo Type: Summer
A wonderfully lush area, Westfield features forests, fields, farmland, and multiple villages throughout the map. Included is a large war-damaged bridge crossing the eastern valley. Plentiful ridges give ambush positions along nearly every route, and large fields can leave a tank vulnerable when moving between positions.
Camo Type: Summer
Closed Maps
Literally translated as "sky village" from German, this labyrinth of streets and squares are a large hindrance for artillery and tank destroyers, but ideal for speedy breakthrough and bypass by medium and light vehicles. With the castle dominating the area, access roads running by the hill and along the railway lines to help you out of the impasse.
Camo Type: Summer
Mixed Maps
A large abbey and town fill the center of the map with three roads allowing passage from the north and south, and includes an elevated firing position in the abbey's courtyard at the highest point on the hill. West of the town is an elongated hill with several positions allowing fire down into the town. Further west and past the hill, a valley offers significant protection against artillery fire. East of the town lies a curved cliff road which affords shielding from most tank and artillery fire, but forces attackers to travel in a single path.
Camo Type: Summer
A large ice-and-snow covered area stretches through this map. Steep hills, rock encampments, twists and turns, and plenty of places to stay and wait will have you on your toes as you battle through this icy deathtrap. Ridge, hills, and lots of rocky outcrops give you many places to hide and ambush your enemy as they come about. Turns and twists could have you stuck if your not on your toes, so watch out.
Camo Type: Winter
Starting in the north and south, both teams are connected through a valley on the extreme west of the map. Large boulders offer cover south of the valley, and a small town provides cover to the north. The eastern portion of the map is elevated, with two large jutting hills providing cover from enemy fire. An overlooking position near the center of the map allows tanks to fire into the valley from above. Plentiful cover throughout the area allow for multiple attack routes, with careful coordination and flanking playing a significant role.
Camo Type: Summer
A varied rugged landscape is marvelous for its fascinating grandeur. A lake, bamboo bushes and mountain ridges make this map peculiar and unique. The map offers several options for directions of attack, each of them being advantageous in its own way. As of patch 8.4 this map has been removed from random battles.
Camo Type: Summer
A mixture of city outskirts and suburban areas with railroad tracks spanning and dividing this map. Plan your tactics to take advantage of defensive choke points and cover open areas with your vehicles. Artillery is great for deterring enemy breakthroughs, but remains almost defenseless when exposed to enemy vehicles attacking from cover.
Camo Type: Summer
Huge mountains and narrow valleys offer great advantages in a battle. You can engage in a fire duel across the gulf or enter a close quarter battle at the nearest port town or flank and capture enemy base.
Camo Type: Summer
An isolated mountain valley on one flank and city blocks on the other allow you to thrust close to the enemy. A large lake in the middle gives long-range weapons a clear field of fire.
Camo Type: Summer
In the center of the map there is a large bog lake. A railway bridge and a fording side on the one flank allow to defend the area using scarce forces, and to concentrate main forces on the other flank.
Camo Type: Summer
The diverse landscape of this map makes it peculiar and complex, and also encourages a wide range of tactics. Multiple defilades are favorable for surprise attacks, while the city blocks are advantageous for close combat.
Camo Type: Summer
A flat hilltop in the center of this map provides an excellent firing position, but the short drive from either starting position makes climbing the hill a dangerous endeavor. Nestled in the canyon northeast of the hill is the small village of Pagorki; offering a tempting route with plenty of cover, but one that is exposed if the enemy controls the hill. West of the hill, surrounded by shallow water, is a small island which offers good cover while providing a large fire zone. While the island is protected from the hill, it is, for the most part, vulnerable to flanking attacks or fire from multiple angles. The island cover is solid, but not particularly large.
Camo Type: Summer
A large map with many turns and rough ground. The bridge near the center features natural choke points on both sides, and provides a good sniping position against opponents in the north passes if held. There are small positions for artillery near the bases, though artillery may have difficulty due to the terrain.
Camo Type: Summer
Rugged terrain is favorable for various battle tactics; ambushes, unexpected flanking maneuvers, and close encounters. Moving along the riverbed allows you to swiftly approach the enemy base and get into action. However, do not leave your rear undefended!
Camo Type: Summer
The setting is an industrial area of a port city. Teams begin the battle surrounded by factory buildings, warehouses, and docks. An open space in the center of the map consists of a hilly, open area and railroad tracks. Train cars can provide cover during combat. The most direct route to the enemy base is along the two highway bridges above the railway tracks. Common tactics on this map might include ambush and firing from defilade positions. Surprise attacks to the enemy's rear can break a deadlock.
Camo Type: Summer
Hills on the periphery of the map are covered with numerous houses and winding streets advantageous for surprise attacks. An open area between the bases is favorable for daring strikes.
Camo Type: Summer
Concentric city streets, along with dense forests and bushes in the overgrown park allow for hidden maneuvers and redeployment of your troops. Although artillery fire is of limited use in the city, the debris provides effective cover for your troops.
Camo Type: Summer
A wonderful map combining the best of both worlds. The west side is open fields with little cover, excellent for quick flanks around the side for those looking for an early victory. To the east, the town offers concealment and cover for those brave enough to enter its confines.
Camo Type: Summer
Opposing bases on this map are separated by cliffs and rocky ridges. A variety of cover allows for focused attacks in crucial directions. The direct route may seem ideal for a breakthrough assault, but do not neglect your flanks!
Camo Type: Summer
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gzubobup,13. 1. 2020 18:24В этом юмористическом видео, которое располагается по ссылке можно понять, как человек завязал с алкоголем. Женщины всегда демонстрируют свое хозяйственное поведение, как в этом видео. Именно поэтому для мужчины важно хранить бутылку в надежном месте. В общем, оставляйте собственные комментарии под данным материалом, а также подписывайтесь на канал автора. Здесь есть, над чем посмеяться тогда, когда на душе тоскливо либо просто скучно.
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